Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mini Vacation...soon!

My husband and I are planning a little mini-trip to Tennessee. I'm looking forward to it as much as I look forward to our big yearly vacation. It's always great to get away and clear the cobwebs out of your daily grind! And, icing on the cake, it's almost scrap club time! Food, friends, beverages and scrapping! I'm so looking forward to our card making this time.

I'm also delighted that some of my friends have jumped on the blogging band wagon. It's such a relaxing and refreshing way to express yourself. And, I love to read what is going on in other peoples lives. It's always interesting and a great way to connect with current friends and a way to make some new ones as well. Thank Heavens for the Internet!!!

1 comment:

Chere said...

You are so right about the internet. I can do without cable TV, phone service but not the net. Bloggin is fun.